What to Expect

How will I be greeted?
The pastor and the Lay Leader often stand at both entrances to the church on Sunday mornings, eager to greet you with a smile and a warm welcome. A greeter will also meet you at the entrance to the Sanctuary with a bulletin and an equally generous amount of hospitality.

What should I wear?
There is no dress code at Glenn Dale. Wear what you feel is appropriate.
Some people are dressed in suits and dresses, others are in jeans and khakis.

How long is the worship service?
Worship is generally an hour long.

What happens with the children during the worship service?
Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available in our spacious nursery room, located very near the Sanctuary. Just let the pastor know you would like your children to be in the nursery and two loving adults from our congregation will be glad to watch over them while you worship. There is also a speaker in the nursery so that all can hear the worship service from that space. Children above the age of 2 are encouraged to experience worship with their families.

What kind of music is heard in the worship service?
Most of the hymns we sing are found in The United Methodist Hymnal, located in each pew. We occasionally feature hymns from The Faith We Sing and other resources. Our choir and all congregational singing is accompanied by either an electronic organ, a piano, or a keyboard. Members of the congregation often enhance our worship with music from trumpet and guitar.

What happens in the worship service?
Our worship services follow the ancient pattern of worship and include the ritual activities of Gathering, Proclaiming the Word, Responding to the Word, and Sending Forth.

At the beginning of each service, after a greeting and a brief time of announcements, we prepare our hearts for worship with a musical Prelude. After a congregational hymn we move into a time of prayer, including shared joys and concerns of the community. Then we read the selected Scripture passages. We follow the Revised Common Lectionary pattern of readings and often read a passage from the Old Testament and the New Testament. After the sermon the organist or Glenn Dale Choir provides special music during the collection of the offering, and worship then concludes with a closing hymn. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.

What is expected at offering time?
The offering is an opportunity to respond to God’s many gifts with our gifts. As a guest, your presence is a gift to us. Monetary contributions are not expected. We work to be good stewards of all the financial resources that sustain our church and our outreach and service efforts.

What should I expect from the sermon?
Most often the preacher will be Rev. Rodriguez, but there are occasions throughout the year in which gifted lay persons or invited guests will preach. The pastor often uses story and contemporary illustration to illuminate the meaning of each week’s Scripture passage and its relevance in our lives. The sermon is about 15-20 minutes in length.

What version of the Bible is used?
We typically read scripture from the New International Version of the Bible. Other translations may be featured for special prayers or the Call to Worship. There are NIV Bibles in each pew.

Who may receive Communion?
As a United Methodist congregation, we have an open table. All persons who are or desire to become baptized in the Christian faith are welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Communion at Glenn Dale is most frequently offered by “intinction” (the communicant receives the bread, which is then dipped into the chalice). Grape juice is used instead of wine, a long-standing practice in The United Methodist Church.

What about handicapped access for those with mobility issues?
Are there other accommodations for those with disabilities?

All entrances to Glenn Dale UMC are completely handicapped accessible. There are reserved parking spaces for the handicapped in the front of the church and in the larger parking lot at the rear entrance. If you have other needs, please contact the pastor and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Any other questions?
Please contact the church office by phone (301-262-2299) or through email at glenndaleumc@gmail.com.